What kind of education do I want for the future?

This is the theme for a writing project for 3A, 3B, and 3C students in a partnership between CIL 2 and the Publishing House SBS.
CIL 2 Students are invited to write a text on what they wish for their future education.
The text should have a limit of 300 words.


  1. The Education I want for the future is one that provides availability and accessibility to all learners in an environment where they can develop their creativity. An Education that motivates students to learn through different skills and leads them to encourage critical thinking. (Claudia M Cunha)

  2. The kind of education I want to Brazil is an education that "breaks the walls of classrooms" and takes us to learn about the real world. Able to teach from geography to math with the place where we live can be useful too. A historical monument, for example, can bring math´s calculations, social contents etc. Doing that, we'll can deliver a deliberately participatory and inclusive education to all, for living that and touching that. (João Vítor Alves Cabral Siqueira)

  3. The kind of education I want for the future is education based on respect. When there is respect in each person, the principles and boundaries are respected as well and conflicts are avoided. And respect comes from the education we receive at home, from our parents. When a father teaches his son how to respect others and himself, he is teaching what is most valuable to someone's training: he is teaching them good character and good sense. When education begins at home, the child will respect his classmates, will respect the teachers, all school staff and in the future his co-workers.

  4. Simone Tusi Ribeiro

    The kind of education I want for the future is classified according to a person's potencial and age. The children will have very little homework and spend more time with their family.
    The quality of education will not dependent on their parent's income.
    Equal opportunities from the begining of their lives could help people to start their adult lives in equal conditions to other people.
    The students will cover the material with study tools adapted to capabilities of a students. In the classroom, students will be taught group work, problem-solving and group reflection. These means they have to learn how to apply their skill in diferents situations.
    E-learning plataforms will give students an opportunity to learn how to negociate, issues and exchange ideas on line.
    Besides that, teachers will be not only to pass the kwonledge but also to identify student"s values and interests.
    At least, the new education system must teach the students the ability to learn, not the ability to memorize.

  5. The kind of education I want for the future is based on the application of field studies so that the exercises can leave theory in the classroom and learn more in practice. Like as in college, where the student attends what attracts him most and what the student has easily, the school could be a place where the student enjoys the pleasure of learning, a place that is more than the classroom, the students have a great deal of difference between them, and one of them is the ease of learning and how to learn, and so the school should adopt a method where it welcomes all students, especially those who find it more difficult to learn only in theory, in the classroom, with more than 30 students, only with the teacher talking and talking.

    However, even with any change in the teaching methodology of schools, the student must have at home the habit of studying, why education begins at home with the parents, and with it the family is paramount for the student's encouragement, since it is at home with parents that the student learns the basics of education, respect and various other values.

  6. the kind of education I want for the future and the one where the teacher does not just stay in the textbooks because this is very annoying and the student has almost no interest in learning, where he has more technological resources to make classes more fun, most teachers interested in teaching the student, have less content repeated, where you always hear the same content, and more material preparatory to the job market, an education in which you have ethics both in class and outside it because this is very important.
    (Vitória Tavares 3A)

  7. A kind of education that I want for the future is that has more students whiling to learn and develop more each day, because the teacher is the basis of all achievements and is the teacher who Teaches us to live in society as true champions. Unfortunately the education of Brazil isn't so valued and it's not so rigid as United States's education. There, they don't have much holidays, the students respect the teacher, the school has every kind of resources. Different from Brazil, some of the schools don't have too much resources, most of the students don't respect the teachers and don't want to learn for being someone in life. For me, respecting teacher's job and developing my capacity is the best thing to do, because the study can show me the good way and who I can be. This is the reason why I have to keep fighting for what I want to fulfill my dreams and I also can demonstrate my love and affection for all the teachers. (Luma Alessandra – 3B)

  8. The kind of education I want for the future is an education in which I don't need only one teacher to clear my doubts,but many of them,and with the internet and your resources that is possible,thus extracting as much knowledge as possible.An education with many practice and applications,because it is easier to understand when you are practicing.Iwant an education that not pass only the traditional knowledge,but also pass things that can be useful in our lives like,for example,one thing that is already passed and can serve for other areas is how to do the calculation of how much of energy you spend in your house,because besides helping to save money,makes the student aware yourself about the correct use of water.That's the kind of education I want.(Eduardo - 3C)

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  11. The kind of education I want for the future: Schools harmonized with all, technology is present in the classroom and everyone can enjoy it without distinction of any need. With this, people with a disability or some individual with learning difficulties can have a facilitation in their life. Education is a foundation for the society of the future. Without it, we will not be able to overcome the problems we have caused over the centuries. In this, technology will play a fundamental role in this process, in order to promote actions that contribute to the solution of these issues. Therefore, the school of the future is that centered in the pedagogy of the problem, that works with real questions and that technology is used as an element in the pedagogical process. It is also a pedagogy of the question, which seeks to give voice to the student and encourage him to question himself. Thus, technology can be part of all disciplines, from chemistry to Portuguese language, as a mediator of learning. The student needs to know what he is going to communicate and why he is communicating, and this is learned by making use of the Portuguese language as a cultural practice, which means valuing areas such as arts, philosophy and sociology. Brazilian education is very focused on content, not on methodological strategies, which hinders structural changes along these lines. It is a model of banking education, already criticized by Paulo Freire for decades. Technology, by allowing the sharing of information, makes the school no longer the place that "holds" knowledge. This can now be achieved quickly through a variety of technologies that have been used in schools to share information between students and teachers, such as distance learning and computer simulations. We are going to evolve a lot in this field and, yes, we need to go beyond digital books." ( Vinicius Venâncio - 3B )

  12. The kind of education that I want for the future is one where the government and schools makes projects to help who can't afford to go to school, like the people who don't have where to live, giving them a chance to improve their lifes and ensure a good learning. And a future where the students receive support from their parents and teachers so they can have a good schools performance and a good perspective of life.
    Another way to improve the education is the expansion of public transportation programs, ensuring confort and safety for people who live far away from their schools or jobs and also contributing fot the ponctuality of them. (Hellen de Sousa Carvalho- 3B)

  13. It is well known in the legal community that education is a human right, fundamental and unavailable. And that is the duty of the State and the family. It therefore seems very obvious that people with disabilities also have the right to education, but the statistics insist on demonstrating that in practice this right is far from being guaranteed. My purpose here is to demonstrate not only that people with disabilities have the same right, but they have the right to exercise it without discrimination, that is, to be received and taught in the same space (class), as all other students. If they require specialized educational services, they may be offered separately as a supplement, but never in order to prevent such students from having access to the common classroom.
    We know that no one consciously denies people with disabilities the right to education, however, given the practical difficulties they face, they often admit that this right would be provided if they were educated separately only in specialized settings. Sometimes they justify that it is for "their own good". Perhaps the arguments of "practical difficulties" in relation to people with disabilities, give way to the awareness that they also have this right unavailable, without differentiations that lead to exclusions in relation to people without disabilities.
    We are also aware of the fact that it is stated: "As regards students with disabilities, this is different because they do not learn in the same way and we are talking about education; in addition, they need specific attention and perhaps they should not be obliged to attend school ". Now, the justification for not receiving women and others,
    minorities was not much different. It is enough that the school is transformed to accept the differences that even this question is overcome.
    The school that organizes itself to receive only students that reach a certain level of intellectual development is a school that excludes even people without any type of disability or special educational necessity (few who finish the course in the same school); is a school that creates hateful situations of competition between students of the same class; is a school that privileges so much the transmission of knowledge, that it forgets the human development and ends up undermining the personal and professional future of that individual.
    There are examples of schools that receive people with and without disabilities, in the same classroom or educational space, and who are absolutely successful, both from a personal point of view and from the transmission of knowledge. ( Bruna Eduarda Rodrigues -3B)

  14. What kind of education do I want for the future is an education trat Will be intuitive and funny ,not only in class where the students recive and revive knowledge and don’t put in practice. An education needs this interaction . Another point that i want is that schools in Brazil are egalitarian and with a quality education, especially in high school because if we are thinking about the issue of public and private schools that unfortunately has a difference in quality of teaching, it is not a question of the quality of teachers because both are good but in the way that education in public schools are taken with negligence.
    For me, the education could be better with the tecnology helping the students and doing the class interisting and funny , for exemple with interactive whiteboard , tablets etc.
    (Pedro Gnone-3B)

  15. The education I want for the future is an education where the government invests in school and in a good structure in the system, how to use technology in its favor, focusing mainly on people who can't go to school, the students had a psychological follow up, because mental health is very important, many students go into depression because they are not self sufficient, issues such as bullying, etc. Focus on professionals who listen to the student, and always help him to improve as a person, it is important that the student and teacher have a good relationship. Cultural and sporting projects, excursions, practical classes in the open air, reinforcement, as well as practical, oral tests and evaluating the student for his effort, not only for a grade, and that both public and private students have the same opportunities. I also find it necessary for adults who did not have the opportunity to study or complete their studies to enter school.
    (Clarice Sousa 3B)

  16. Paula Lucio de Lima Santos, 3B.
    The kind of education that I want is a free and quality education that includes all the people in all places of the world. That the student’s capacity isn't measured through notes and tests because many students are nervous in tests and finish without going out so well how much really they know thus the evaluation method wouldn’t have to be standard, each one demonstrates its intelligence in a way. To standardize the knowledge is a form to increase bulling so that when If is a child a speech as “ You are donkey, didn’t take a high note in the proof”, this sentence can be Said whithout many cruelty, but the child that hears this doesn’t forget and remain with the trauma until up one Day she maneges to accepted and to understand that she isn’t incapable or unprovided of Intelligence, she simply doesn’t has cold blood sufficient thing to stand the method of evaluation of the Brazilian education system.

  17. The education I want for the future is an education where students can be just students. Where they can have a good school, with a great investment in their education; where they can learn and find out their skills and not just try to fit in something that they're not good at; an education that is equal for private schools and public schools, where all the students can have the same opportunities. An education that can really change the world.
    (Gesllanny Thalliya 3A)

  18. The education that I want an education that looks at what we want for the future. That we could choose from small what we want to do, that gives more freedom. That the government of this money so that the schools have environments so that the teachers take classes more productives. An education that the students can to choices what grade want to do, but this choices came since child. (Eduardo Teixeira 3B)

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  20. The kind of education I want for the future is education based on evolution. Where students can easily contact teachers using technology such as mobile phones, tablets and computers. Because having contact with the teacher behind the screen makes people more comfortable, asking questions and not feeling embarrassed. And using the internet to study and practice to make the class more dynamic. (Henrique Guimarães Lopes de Aquino-3C)

  21. The education I want is one in which everyone can have the same teaching, all without exception, that somehow humanity realize that if everyone get a education better and equal, the world get better, more wonderful that already is, because besides people get more civilized and smart, certain that all start thinking about the situation of the planet, and find a solution to save it, this seems impossible, but I have faith in the future of humanity.

    (Vitor Gabriel Gonçalves Dias -3C)

  22. The education I want for the future is an education that is enough to prepare us for entrance exams, competitions, etc in all aspects (discipline, motivation, etc.). I think it is also important that education be rigorous in showing care for the environment so that the investment requested in the next topic is well used, that it would be an education that the government invests in the infrastructure of the schools.

    (Maria Eduarda Caitano de Alencar -3B)

  23. The education I want is an education in which the teachers are professionally recognized. A good education requires good professionals, and for this to happen teachers and school professionals need to be valued for their arduous efforts to teach. The role of the teacher is very important as a transmitter of knowledge and values, and because it is a profession that is currently undervalued, especially in Brazil, great professionals stop teaching for lack of recognition of their work and the difficulties encountered chasing a low-paid career. So I believe that the first step towards a better education in the future is to show teachers that we recognize their daily efforts and that they deserve more respect for such an important job to building a better country.
    (Isabela Silva de Castro - 3C)

  24. the education that I want for the future is an education where all have access to the same type of education, with that all would learn the same thing and would have the same opportunities of jobs, I want education in Brazil to be taken more seriously, more resources for students to have better learning and new ways of teaching. (Pedro Henrique Zeidan da Silva, 3B)

  25. I want technology to introduce in future education, because this generation is composed of more demanding students with activists done in the classroom. But for this to happen it is necessary that education be valued first by the government. I want education in the future to be more demanding, and not to train students only to take tests but to lead in life
    Carla Lisboa -3C

  26. I want an education where learn is more important than grades. An education that can recognize the individual abilities of the students and help them to improve it, some artists have difficulty in math, some engineers don't have english as priority and that's okay. A efficient education can't focus just on good grades, but build good people, let kids and teenagers know they have talents instead just demand A+ in all school subjects.
    (Rafaela Lopes Palmeiro de Souza- 3C)

  27. The education that I want for the future, it's a new education. A new education with structure which help all studentes equally, where the school place gives a suport materially and psichologically, offering a good relationship between who compose the school, like teachers, students and workers. It's important control the respect and reforce him. Schools need to be prepare to recive differents cultures and explorate them, to build a place where the free expression is respected. We need more integration between teachers and students for the classes not be only a reproduction of contents, we need in our education more pratice, we need to see the theories in action. It's important too measure the kind of communication in a school place where people build your autonomy with studys and need to estimulate the knowledges. It's cool when the objects around us, meanly in the school, has a force that encourage, that estimulante, that create curiosities about the study objects, about the culture, about the language. The education that I want is based in respect, equal opportunities, in a good suport for students, and in a good profissionalism by the educators. (By: Israel Benjamim Siqueira de Lacerda 3C)

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  33. The education that i want to Brazil is an education where have respect between the teachers and the students, where havn't iquality between the people, where the students like to study and have whishes to be someone important in life and make the difference, that is, a education where the inequality and the desinterest not exist.
    Many countries around the world have a good education, between them, stand out Cuba where the literacy rate is 0%, this is the education that i want to Brazil that have the literacy rate in 7,2%.
    A good way to make the Brazilian education better is invest in schools and couses for turn up the learning and apply improvements in the technology for more student interest and for the evolution of learning.
    Thank you!
    (Ezequias Lira - 3C)

  34. The kind of education I want for the future involves a larger relationship between student and teacher. I mean, the majority of people who were my lectures used to be strangers and the ones who I appreciate less. At the same time the best teachers that I had used to be friendly and funny. Anyway, if we make the school a place where students want to go we will have more and better teachers in the future. Because school should not be just the place where we pass time and learn, but where we evolve and grow, as individual and citizen.

    (Mauricio S. Sousa - 3C)

  35. The kind of education I would like for the future is an education based on equality in terms of quality for ever y one, no matter your race, your financial condition, your sexuality or anything else. Most students from private schools have a better education than students from public schools. The private schools (not all of them) offer better conditions in the way of teaching, infrastructure and many aspects, they are also more prepared for the entrance exams of the universities.
    In other perspective, education’s meaning should be rethought. Nowadays most people can see education partially or only to grow in capitalism by conquering a well-paid job, or just to follow a tradition from family. I want education to be seen as an object to form our citizenship and connect nations around the world.

    (Gustavo Araujo de Sousa - 3B)

  36. The kind of education that I want for the future is that where the theachers receive more respect,more recognition for their hard work and dedication,where children are encouraged to observe their strong points and tastes,and explore these points to guide them to their possible carrer in the future.And where a liberating education help the students develop their critical sense and own thinking. (Leticia Novaes 3C)

  37. The kind of education that I want for the future, is an education with a good base, because it is through a education base that we build a great learning structure. An egalitarian education in which everyone has the same base curriculum and school infrastructure, and excellent teachers. An education in which students care and if interested, after all they are the nation. that everyone can have access to education.
    Parents who believe that their children are the future and they need to be educated in the best way. An education that encourages, belives and transforms students and teachers. An education in which there is respect between teachers and student, and responsibility with the educational obligations.
    The education that I want for the future, I hope that start from now, that we have the opportunity to learn in the best possible way.
    As the educator Paulo Freire said '' It´s necessary to plant the seed of education to reap the fruits of citizenship.''

    ( Júlia Leonardo Souza 3-C )

  38. For the future, I need an education that is universal. The education is the best way to change the world. If we have good schools, we'll have good people. It's necessary to introduce the technology, especially in Brazil, and use this to make classes more atractive and interactive.It's important to remember that parents and families have to work next to the teachers, because the family is the first school that we have in our lifes. The Family have to teach values like respect and equality to prepare the children for the school, for the life.
    (Ana Cecília Casada - 3C)

  39. The education I want for the future, is education for all. This is not only about school education, but also the education we receive from those who create us.
    For example, the government could do projects for the literacy of street children, or even citizens could speak for it. Perhaps it is not the social class that discriminates, but again, the lack of education.
    (3C-Vivian Karen Costa Carvalho)

  40. I want an education that can include various types of evaluation according to the type of student, and education that is not racist or sexist, that there is no difference between public or private schools, that everyone is at the same level of learning, and that everyone has access to quality education.
    (Genivânia Souza Santos 3C)

  41. I would like an education where there is a valorization of cultural and artistic knowledge, with projects and workshops that bring the student of knowledge closer, whether in relation to dance, music, theater, national or international culture. An education that opens the doors of knowledge that is deep and valued.Our government has to do something to change more,and for the best,because our childrens,teenagers and old ones need to have an education that gave knowleadgeable of quality,and not just pass the matter and decorate it,but learn how to learn more and more.And also student that knows how to appreciate this knid of education that I want for the future,that I believe that one day will happen.
    (Júlia de Faria-3B)

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  43. The education I want for the future is where everyone has the same opportunities and there are more practical classes for better understanding, where contents that interest the student are approached and that can choose what they want to do or study to dedicate more to one thing only, education where there is respect and everyone shares general knowledge without prejudice to each other. Teachers who are qualified and dedicated to the student and to their learning
    (Lara nobre-3c)

  44. The kind of education that I want for the future is the education system must teach the students the ability to learn, not the ability to memorize. For that a commute assistance with funds for schools, for how to buy materials of a recent year. A application of field studies, learn more in practice. (Victoria Carvalho 3C)

  45. The education that I want for the future it's a education with quality, that can possibility to student immersion on the learning process, with alternatives to traditional methods of classroom learning, with learn of politics, education financial, notions of law, enpreendorism and criativity. I wish to, that when the student finish the school, they can feel prepared to world and to professional market.

    Fellipe Duarte - 3C

  46. The education I want for the future is an education that thinks of the public school student and its potentials. Giving recourses to the school to help in the construction of areas that could development the knowledge. We can learn by many ways, we only need to put them in work. I also want a education that respect the teachers, because this job is very important and the teachers taught us how to live in society as a good citizen.

    (Alyssa Lopes - 3C)

  47. I think education in Brazil has a system that is flawed because it has choices that have a better structure and others do not.
    but because this difference is simple and the educational system we have, it sends more money to the schools, but the schools in the periphery receive little money. Because of this difference, many choices end up lacking in structure for students and teachers. the educational system to be a flawed system.
    but also have the methods used to teach that they are very mechanical, since many times there are no differentiated classes to attract the attention of the student, and need to have more practical classes for a better absorption of the subjects.
    summarizing the education system needs to be restructured to better meet the needs of all schools and provide better learning.
    (Emivalto da Costa 3B)

  48. I want a education system that is equal to everyone, that gives support to the students not only in classes, that means that the schools should have at least a sport, music and languages program. Education in Brasil should help the students to develop another abilities that they will use in life. We should focus less on the grades and help the intellectual, emotional, moral and physical of the students too. (Ana Catharina Goldenberg 3C)

  49. The education I want is an education that arouse kinds minds, taking what's best in side of each one of them, without forgetting that school is a place for building citizens and not money. I say this, because analyzing the students in school period, we see high indices of psychological disorders, such as, anxiety and depression, this is a result of the extremely competitive system we’re exposed in all educational time. This reality must change, I believe in a education program that uses the tools we have like technology for taking the knowledge outside the schools. And plus that education I want must be for free,for everybody and with quality. (Isabella 3 C)

  50. The kind of education I want for the future is an education where I can open my eyes and saw a new future for all the students. Where I can know a lot of new things every day. A good education for me is the base of the world because if all people have the better education they can change the location where they live, and it's very good, if it turn to be a reality our political system would be more efficient and have more agility for make good things for the Brazilians, the technology could be more advanced and the students can use this for creat a new world. so it's the education I want for the future and i want it's be real.( Victor Hugo 3B)

  51. Nowadays it can be clearly seen how hard a student's life can become as the years pass. People want a normal teenager to learn 13 subjects, but not all students are good at math. Not all are good at literature. Not all are good in everything. In fact, most of us has difficults in at least one area of knowlegde. I agree that we should be teached most of the subjects until a certain age, basic information about everything is important for us to not become total fools. However, I think that the students should be alowed to choose their subjects at some point. Thinking in a logical way, for example, you can not just expect that a person who is great for humanities goes well in physics too. It can happen, but it’s not so common. Why force someone to take classes and do exams of a subject that she doesn't like or goes well, taking risks of prejudicing this person's self-estime, causing the potencialization of frustration, and maybe taking down these person's chances of getting into a university or a job that she wants and has nothing to do with half of the things that she studies?
    Schools should be estimulating us to be creative, to solve real issues. Schools should be places where we learn as much as we can and are challenged every day to be the best professionals that we can in the areas that we want to! If someone wants to learn every single subject available, that’s a great thing, but if someone wants to study only humanities, it is ok too. This person shouldn’t be ashamed of not being awesome in all of this.
    To summarize the education that I want for the future: nobody should feel pressed to be good in everything

    (Maria Eduarda Angeli - 3B)

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  53. The education that i want for the future is that students, especially those of middle school have not only mathematics, Portuguese, English, physical education among others in their crates slots as in the days of today, but they have different issues to be board in the classroom such as, for example, education policy, financial education and the different materials which are little discussed, but which are extremely necessary for the student to become a good citizen in the future.I think that the student who is in his middle school about to become a university and also a citizen, he needs to have your critical sense in relation to everything and everyone, I think that the student has to have a very broad vision about any type of matter, and there is no better place than the school to teach and pass this for student. I think that education is never too much for anyone in fact the more better knowledge, we need a society where citizens have rather a broad, diverse education.

    ( Gabriela Costa Faria - 3B)

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  56. I think we need a lot of things for a better education. One of my ideas is the psychological help, because nowadays young people are so depressed and anxious, usually they want to much and fast, they want a career, a house, a lover, and the society also impose that idea. We know psychological diseases are spreading at wall kind of people and help is necessary. I also think at the school the teachers need to be more didactial because sometimes we have a lot of texts and boring classes and usually the youngers have so much energy, so do something different is a good idea. I think we need more CILs, so we could expand vacancys to the community, to the adults. We need more universitys. And I think its important to do vocational tests to help the youngers to decide their occupations.
    Brieny Stefany - 3B

  57. Education is one of the most important sectors of the society. The investment in It is essencial and indispensable for the development of the whole nation. A good quality Education provides a well developed country. I want for the future a valued Education. The state has to look at it and say they need to invest in it, spend money on it. Valorize teachers salary, invest in scientific researches and improve the infrastructure of the schools and universities.
    But it's not worth in a great Education if not everyone has access to it. The Education I want for the future doesn't only have investment, but it need to be inclusive. Education is a human right, everyone need to have oportunity to be part of it. The pours, the handicapped, everybody! The public schools shouldn't be worse than the private ones so the less finacially privileged people wouldn't be having a worse education. It's also pretty hard to the handicapped people. The schools need to have especialized people to assistance the handicapped, and they need better adapted material. The Education I want for the future is one that carries about the less privileged people's needs and give the same oportunity for everyone.
    Education in schools also have to be more parcipative. The students in schools are too much passive in the classrooms. It's like the teacher possesses the knowledge and give it to the students who don't know anything. They don't have to think, just receive information. Education wasn't supposed to be like that! Nobody can learnjust being a passive receiver of information, we have to discuss, to work, to experience, to think. The teachers should be more like a mediator, someone to let the discussion flow, someone to lead the students to think.
    These are some points I think a good quality Education should have. That's the kind of Education I want for the future!

    (Vinicius Carvalho Lima Alcanfôr - 3B)

  58. The type of education that i want is a education more free for students and teachers arrive anytime and can use more eletronics to study, can use smartphone or mp3 for listen to music ,can sleep anytime.teachers and students do not need justification to be absent, the salary of teachers is same football players and the government give more money for education because country is not built on violence country is built with education.

    Alan Demétrio 3B

  59. I hope in the school We talk about issue of the world. I guess that High school's students are very no knowledge about the world , so I was thinking if we had one class that the teacher would talk about the general knowledge. And I think important if had some subject like administration, or to programation beacause our technology evolved a lot. I guess that School could improve or update the way us teach, because the method is very old. We also aren't living on the same world compared to before.

    ( Davi Pena Esteves Torres - 3B)

  60. The Brazilian education os going trough a hard time, because they can't develop a good quality education for the Future of the nation. With the globalization and a difficult access, the education keeps getting worse tô deal with the events. The education starts at school, where there's lack of infrastructure to have a good education system só that we Can get further and have a good comdition. In my opinion there should be subjects in school that spoke more about the reality, the case of exceeded teaching, and maybe the access to internet at schools would be a good way to understand and associate things better. Another point would be to prepare for the job market, where they would go back to that subject and show the youth about how It works inside a company , or the reality of what it's like working nowadays.
    ( Ana Lídia - 3a )

  61. The education that I want to the future is a public education, that the government provides this and invest in it. A education that encourage the students to leran and be a good citizen. For this, the school needs serve the whole socity and needs to be incluse, where everybody can study togheter and don't have to pay for this, where everybody can have the same opportunity.
    A education that doesn't makes the students crazy or makes they a marchine. We are humans and we need to learn about the school subjects, but for the first place, we need to learn about life and how it lives in a healthy and peaceful way, to find who or what we want to be in our future.
    (Beatriz Prado - 3A)

  62. The education I want for brazilian future is one that offers information, accessibility and which supports the learners. A diversified education with practical classes and good and qualified professionals. With government investiments and the students' motivation, we'll have a bright future for Brazil.
    (João Pedro - 3A)

  63. The education that I want for the future and for the Brazil is an education with quality and publics schools which have good teachers and they will be valued. Schools with nutritionists and a healthy menu. Schools with free education and equal opportunities where the businessman's son studies with the garbage man's son, creating social inclusion and all the schools be great schools, whatever the school in the center or the nearest street. It is also necessary to reduce the workload and the number of tests, because quantity is not quality and we have to prioritize the reasoning and creativity of our children, because they are the future and the school should be a place where children feel pleasure to go and not an obligation.

    (Letícia Cassemiro - 3A)

  64. I think we need more governmental support in education, something very difficult to implement, because we see clearly that certain localities and social classes receive more resources than others, which in a way discourages both sides, teachers and students, we see how the money is lost by corruption, causing the schools themselves to seek support from families to meet basic needs, families that often can not collaborate. Despite these and other causes we also see the population's lack of interest in the study, considering that the labor market is increasingly scarce for those who already have great certifications and preparation. I hope that in the future people will be more interested in acquiring knowledge and making a difference in education, because it depends on the interest and pursuit of each one, that with the advancement of technology people use this tool to grow academically. I hope we know how to recognize our teachers and value them for their great role and is not recognized with the least of respect.

    Thais Nardy - 3C

  65. The education I want for the future is an education based on respect, where everyone can express their opinions in the classroom, independent of the hierarchy built between teachers and students. Let the students feel at home and enjoy being in the school environment, learning to work together in search of a better future for their country. Where love for knowledge prevails. (Ana Beatriz Queiroz – 3A)

  66. The education that I want to The Future is an education with more equality, which more people have a chance to being in a School and university, and have more women and Black people in The science. An education which encourege people to study what they love, not what gives money. An education without prejudice and that cares about students mental health.
    Ysabella Nascimento 3C - professora Cláudia.

  67. The education thai I want to the future is an education with more quality, where the students are organized in a wheel or groups facilitating the debates of the matter and allowing everyone to see each other, that brings the students to reality and the teachers must continue teaching, but the schools they need to be more open and democratic spaces that give security to the student to share their opinions and contribute in a nutritious way to the learning process that is happening.
    (Thaissa Dantas 3C - Prof Claúdia)

  68. Palloma Ferreira 3C - the kind of education that I want for the future is that students study can became a good and interesting thing for to do.
    That as has dynamics methods of learning,including all the types of science and talents mainly the part of art and to make improvements in education system in Brasil

  69. For the future I want an education that makes the students asks about everything around us and with this questions find answers that can explain or at least try to explain the things. This process when the person can discover why the things are like they are is very important for have a knowledge improve, with this they can think by their self and not just copy somebody thoughts. This is the kind of education I want.
    Stephanie Thomas- 3C

  70. What kind of education I want for the future?

    Education is one of the most important things, it can change a nation, create new opportunities, improve technologies and the society in general. The educational system has to work in a healthy way, don't using the students just as grades for rankings and don't incentiveting the competition between them..
    The starting point should be the adoption of a more humanized education whitin the educational institutions. Having as a goal the students development while a conscious citizen and their mental health – which is what really matters in this whole process – will open the doors towards the good performance idealized by the society. Many people talk about school dropout but few act to mine it. Seeking to take care of their difficulties instead of trivializing them is not only a empathy basis act but also a duty that, unfortunately, is left aside. Such actions that make up this sad reality discourage students in an unprecedent way, ans this is why respect must be put into practice, not only by students but also by professionals.
    If we don't take care of our students they will get sick – emotionally and physically – being one of them is not a easy thing, they are pressured to be what the society aspire to them, not what they want. The education I want for the future is an educational system that respect students and they choices.
    Maria Natália - 3B

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  72. The education that I want for the future is a humanitarian education. Where the students are treated not just like one more in a thousand, but where they are treated like the singular human being as they are. I know this is hard, but is something that must to be improved. It’s so much better when people feels like they are someone, not just another one, in consequence of this feeling of being part of something, the results will be much more positive, and then, people will stop thinking about school so negatively. (Student: Lara Teacher Claudia, 3C)

  73. The education that I want for the future is an education that has voice, that is powerful and includes everyone in everywhere.
    Our teachers should bring us more dynamic classes so then we'll get more interested on learning, like showing us how we'll use that in our lifes.
    Also, we have to respect our masters cause evething starts with respect.
    Nicole 3C
    teacher Claudia

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  76. To a better education we need to invest more in the schools.
    The schools should provide others activities for students if they want to do like music or theather. Teachers need to learn how to use internet and others technologys for the classes and would have a better relationship with students.
    The schools needs to be prepared to take care of students who suffer some accident instead just give ice for them.
    Students need to learn how choose a carrer for life that they want and like to do and not just because the money.
    We need an annual education because the students will absorb more of the class if they have more time.
    The private schools needs to ends how can we talk about social equality in the schools if we have this?.
    Finally we need to stop with multiple choices exams because many times they give the answer to us, we are students we need to know the answer if the exam give the answer how can I learn?.

    (Lucas Gabriel - 3C)


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